As we begin to emerge from the pandemic-induced lockdown,
many people are starved for human connection. Online social
gatherings may not have been enough to regulate our emotions
the way that pure, screen-free human touch does. It may feel
uncomfortable to be in close proximity to others, shake hands, or
embrace friends and family. And, when we do reach out, what do
we say to those who are grieving the loss of social connection or
the loss of a loved one? To delve deeper into how we can be
better communicators, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa
Cypers Kamen, speaks with two professors whose work revolves
around the many aspects of human communication and social
well-being. Kory Floyd studies interpersonal communication and
its effects on mental and physical health. He describes the
impacts of the COVID pandemic and the loneliness pandemic on
our mental state and how we can create connection through
communication. Valerie Manusov studies how behavior is
interpreted and the meaning we give to other nonverbal
communication cues. She reveals the insights about conflict
resolution, the effective communication attributes of trustworthy
leaders, and the importance of listening
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