The search for the meaning of life has seemingly eluded humans since our existence began. In most cases, the best we can hope for is to live a life filled with purpose and joy. But, what if it was possible to give our lives meaning by making decisions that lead us toward our life’s purpose? What if the energy our brains emit through waves could determine what intrinsic abilities we could nurture to lead us to contentment and better health? To understand more about how certain practices can put us in control of our destiny, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who are practiced in manipulating the human mind. The author of more than 50 books, Eric Maisel describes the framework and the benefits of adopting a daily practice of doing or not doing something every day related to a person’s life purpose. And, R. Douglas Fields discusses the unique opportunity of researching and reading brain waves. He offers mind-expanding insights into the contents of his book, Electric Brain.
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