Our modern society throws many expectations at us that we can
never catch. We have moved so far from the ancient knowings of
our ancestors that we have difficulty accepting who we
authentically are and looking outside of ourselves for validation or
to feed our egos is futile. With all the noise and distractions
surrounding us today, how do we attain a greater quality of life?
To gain a greater understanding of the actions we can take to
better identify with our true nature and to learn to focus on what
is in our control, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers
Kamen speaks with two enlightened authors about bringing calm
into the things we can control. Panache Desai discusses
revelations and commitments from his book, You Are Enough:
Revealing the Soul to Discover Your Power, Potential, and
Possibility. And, Kanwer Singh aka Humble The Poet describes
how his journey from elementary school teacher to entertainer
and author was filled with learnings and reads gems from his
newest book, Things No One Else Can Teach Us.
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