It may seem frivolous to discuss finances during the ‘Great Pause’ the human race
is experiencing now due to the COVID-19 pandemic but what if this downtime is a
glimpse into our retirement years? What other opportunity will we have to create
our own schedules and follow our body’s circadian rhythm with no fear of missing
out? Now seems to be the perfect time for us, women in particular, to redefine
what wealth means and evaluate whether meaning and purpose have more value
than material gains. Are we able to adopt a mindset that goes far beyond feeling
financially secure? To investigate the ways we can prepare ourselves the future
we want, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the
Financial Editor of NBC’s Today show, Jean Chatsky about her new financial
guide, Women with Money, the HerMoney podcast, and simple ways women can
clean up their money life. And, the author of Retirement by Design, Ida Abbott who
shares how design thinking principles can play a role in creating a retirement life
that brings purpose and meaning to the golden years.
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