Challenges are a fact of life and some of us face the same challenges time and time again. And even though we may not recognize it, many of our deep-seated patterns have their origins in our early childhoods. Becoming cognizant of our patterns is the first step in overcoming the fear and shame that resides at the base of our unconscious actions. It is only after we recognize our fears for what they are that we can lift the veil that created our blind spots and move forward toward courage. To better understand the processes and strategies that breakthrough destructive cycles, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Ken Foster, an author and expert in business development and marketing about how to take the necessary steps to embody courage and transform your vision into reality. And, Dr. Seth Kadish and Teri Jensen MFT, the duo behind the Pop Your Pattern Youtube channel, speak about the process of becoming aware of the patterns that perpetuate recurring challenges in our lives.
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