Welcome to Episode 35 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2), with Jo Whitton: My Best Thought of the Day + Q&A
Jo popped into the Quirky Cooking Chat Group this morning for a live video chat, to share some inspiration and answer questions from listeners. Listen in as she talks about:
- the concept of having a 'best thought of the day' and sharing it with your family and friends (a great idea shared by her sister, Joye, with a quote from ‘I Guess I Haven’t Learnt That Yet’ by Shauna Niequist)
- social media: finding the balance
- being intentional about what you see online and who you let into your feed
- breaking the habit of mindless scrolling
- quiet your world, slow down your busy brain, curate your day
- how to make no-nasties taco mince
- food dehydrators
- how to freeze leafy greens
- where to source ethical, pasture-raised meat
- my favourite cooking pots and pans
- fermenting crocks
- Aussie pepper, organic spices, freeze-dried fruit
- how to freeze leafy greens
- how to make a grain-free peach clafoutis (base recipe used: Fat Bomb Muffins in Life-Changing Food)
- all about fats and cholesterol (listen to this podcast: https://youtu.be/QW6Sx8PvWKM)
- where to find Jo if you're visiting Far North Queensland
...and more!
Join Jo's FB chat group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/quirkycooking
Visit Jo's website for recipes, videos, workshops and events: www.quirkycooking.com.au