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Dr. John Bergman joined us in the studio for a shorter episode (he was extremely busy and had 5 consultations to do back in Huntington Beach right after the show!). We thank him for making the time out of his busy schedule to be here to discuss motivation, health and why you should invest in yourself.
We talked not just how to get healthy and how to stay healthy but we also mainly discussed staying motivated.
Why does one choose to say no to chocolate cake, stuffing and unhealthy foods? What is in his or her mind that makes them say no when they'd really like to eat those foods.
I believe it's an issue of personal development, spirituality and knowing your place in the world. If you have goals, you'll start thinking of how each thought you think and each morsel of food you eat, aligns with your goals.
I also brought up the point that our genes are a gift. Our bodies are a way to interact with the physical nature of the world and it's our genes that are the bridge between spirit and matter.
The genes we have were a gift given to us. When we pass on those genes will they be genetically weaker than our genes? If so, we've buried out talents in the ground as it says in the Bible. And Jesus did not speak well of the people that bury their gifts in the sand.
So what does this mean? It means that every piece of food you eat not only affects you but it affects the entire planet and it affects your genetic expression for generations to come.
Eating is a big deal.
And so is how you treat yourself. Many times our friends and family aren't on board with our health goals. Not only do they not understand what we're doing but they actively make fun of us or try to knock us down.
People don't like people who make goals and make sacrifices in their lives to achieve them. It's a weird thing about humans but it's how we are. When they see you making dietary changes they question you, debate you and generally try to bring you down.
How do you stay on track in the face of so many people who want to bring you down to their level?
Dr. John Bergman and I discuss just that in this episode.
I hope you enjoy!
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Show Date:
Friday 12/16/2016
Show Guest:
Dr. John Bergman
Guest Info:
Dr Bergman was propelled into Chiropractic by a severe auto accident, with 2 broken legs, fractured skull and sternum along with several organ injuries. With great need and a passion for healing and regenerating Dr Bergman began studying the body’s recovery process.
Dr. Bergman obtained his degree in Doctor of Chiropractic at Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles (CCCLA), California. Dr. Bergman teaching at CCCLA: Human Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics, and 4 Chiropractic techniques: Full Spine Specific (Palmer Method), Thompson, Diversified, and Extremity Adjusting. As a past Instructor Dr. Bergman has an extensive knowledge of human anatomy and human physiology that few can match. Dr.
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