Sonny has a very special guest J.J. Carrell to show not only what is actually going on at the border. But who's behind the crisis and who directly benefits from it? He's the creator of one of the most powerful documentaries probably produced in the last 20 years on this topic @JJCarrell14
J.J. Carrell is a speaker and the author of INVADED: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System.
Carrell uses his 24-year career in the US Border Patrol as a Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge to expose the who, why and how this treason is being perpetrated against our great nation. Carrell has been a guest on several nationally syndicated radio shows and television networks. He has become the expert on border issues and the criminal acts by Biden, his administration, and DHS machine. He is unafraid to speak the truth and is unapologetically patriotic
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