In case you are new here - these are the NSFW Eps. Not serious food content, fit for sharing. Instead, we are being silly about media - mostly about the 19th Century. Though here, about the new SHOGUN becasue - so VERY COOL!
So we've come to the end of Shogun - a story that both haunted and informed us in our younger years.
Racist, Orientalist - as a book, YES! But this version. as far as I'm concerned redeems the Entire Venture.
And as a 1970's work written by a former prisoner of war during the Japanese Occupation during WW2, writing a book trying to get into the somewhat legendary history of Japan - it did what James Clavell wanted, it introduced Japan as a complex society to America and Britain and it's still sprawling empire at the time.
Writing is hard, editing is much much easier. Clavell's 1st try - needed some work, but somebody had to bust open the doors. And Shogun did that.
Now - how did the Blackthorne/Anjin-san story actually end? Unclear. But that's fine with me.
Now let's all cheer for whatever H. Sanada has up his sleeve and hope it comes with All The Costumes.
As always - you can reach us on the internets.
Jamie Lewis ( & IG @plagueofstrength)
and his NEW YouTube Apprearances on Carved Outta Stone Wednesday AM or Friday PM
Schedule Details:
Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over)
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