On this episode we take a look inside the theories that withinour planet lies a concave world, complete with internal star, thathouses an ecosystem long hidden from our own. Home to an ancient giant race far in advance of our own and prehistoric creatures andmythical energies.
Ancient history has always told of realmsbeneath our feet and the fleeting interactions we've had with oursymbiotic downstairs neighbours. We'll cover the testimonies of US Rear Admiral Richard Byrd,U-boat man Karl Unger. That gave rise to rumors of a race to Southpole being a race to the gateway of Agartha, the inner Earth,featuring Nazi occultist Vril society members like Hitler, Himmlerand Hess.
And we'll look at the mystery of the many Antarcticexpeditions and the modern explorers like Dallas Thompson and Dr.Brooks Agnew. And we'll also talk about the science of the theory. Believerslike Sir Edmund Halley and John Symmes. The current thinking in thefields of seismology, geology chemistry and physics. And we'll lookat the ancient accounts and fables like the tales of Shambhala, thecaves to Purgatory and the river to Hades.
All this and some extragiants, super advanced aliens, woolly mammoths, Nazi flying saucersand even St. Patrick.
Presented by Gordo, Paul and Gary
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