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In the first segment, Ryan and Dave discuss potential changes to copyright law and how they can affect independent artists. R & D specifically talk about why it is important for indie artists to fight (1) against changes to the notice-and-takedown procedures in the DMCA and (2) for an increase in streaming payments to songwriters.
In the second segment, the Portland-based musical duo The Doubleclicks stop by. They talk about playing to their unique fan base, diversifying revenue streams in their career, and effective crowdfunding. The Doubleclicks' Kickstarter campaign for their upcoming album "Love Problems" is going on now. Give them some support here: www.kickstarter.com/projects/angelar/the-doubleclicks-new-album-love-problems.
In the final segment, Ryan and Dave talk about the Oscars and their high-stakes Oscar bet: Ryan and Dave made picks on all of the categories. Whoever gets the fewest picks right has to do an entire Podcast episode while jogging on a treadmill in the studio. Both guys really don't want to lose. By the time you download this, you will already find out who will be jogging!
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