Here's the breakdown for my first, signed-up-on-a-whim 50 kilometer mountain run training plan: *** This should be fun. (If it's not, it's time to modify accordingly.) *** *** I want this to increase my overall vitality, mobility, strength and tissue hydration. (Decreasing some or all of those is a common strategy, however unknowingly employed, on service of achieving training goals.) *** 1. Train to run in a way where force translates the easiest way possible through my hips. (This is a deep, deep world for me, relevant and apparent in weightlifting, downward dog, tango, capoeira, running, sitting, meditation, to name a few.) 2. Via these "training regimes" — all subject to change: capoeira (twice a week), some kind of structured partner dance (once a week), strength training (1 - 4 times a week, depending on my energy levels), yoga (daily), and running twice a week: one hill interval, metabolic conditioning type run; and one longer run. 3. Continue to noodle around, beyond everything above, as per my interest level. 4. When running: run-walk cycling as per what feels like elastic capacity of my tissues. When I feel like I'm starting to thud, or losing my resilient form, I'll walk til I regain it. I am really curious to see how this training philosophy plays out in such an athletic environment! I'll keep you posted :) Thanks for being here, LB
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