Being an entrepreneur is a lonely place, especially if you’re the founder/CEO. Sure, you may have co-founders, but the reality is, there’s a lot of weight on your shoulders, a lot of pressure (self-applied or otherwise) to not drop the ball.
To combat this, we’re basically permanently in “problem solver” mode. Everything needs a solution. Which is a natural fit because most entrepreneurs are self-taught and love to learn! Yes, it’s naive, but it’s also how we were able to make something out of nothing. We just figured it out. We’re really great at just figuring it out.
But here’s the thing: solutions aren’t binary. Yet, we treat business problems as if they’re all just a series of variables that we just need to find the right combination of and BOOM!
You, my friend, are living in an echo chamber and you don’t realize yet, but you’re deaf.
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