Our website - https://tunein-toneup.com
Dedicated post: https://tunein-toneup.com/2017/03/23/guitar-lesson-10-tips-for-improvising-better-guitar-solos-with-comfortably-numb/
In guitar lesson 10, Dan puts on a Comfortably Numb backing track and I have a go at improvising over the top. Dan then identifies strengths and some suggestions about my playing, leading to some outstanding advice on how to improve, including using themes in order to create interest and help to be creative in the moment.
As ever, I further explore the themes which Dan introduces me to with my own research on our website - https://tunein-toneup.com. These website posts include a write up of each lesson with brief excerpts and relevant YouTube video tutorials, guitar covers, solos and alternative versions.
This lesson is here: https://tunein-toneup.com/2017/03/23/guitar-lesson-10-tips-for-improvising-better-guitar-solos-with-comfortably-numb/
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