Interview with "The One You Feed" Podcast host Eric ZimmerEric Zimmer is host and founder of the, "One You Feed" podcast, ". He has also worked with start-ups, doing Management and Software Development, is CEO, Tipping Point Renewable Energy, and all around an Experienced entrepreneur. He's also a Songwriter. You can tell tell he is a very curious person by listening to his podcast.This is a summary (not a full transcript) of the interviewEric got introduced in high school by a teacher, he was probably the only reason that he got through high school. The teacher introduced him with Zen books. Eric then got involved with Trancendental Meditation.He took a class in TM. Eric had to bring 3 handkerchiefs as a prerequisite to TM meditation. He then shoplifted these handkerchiefs, and got caught. He practiced for a short period of time, and then stopped. Over the next 5-6 years, he'd think about it, but also struggled with an alcohol addiction, "a wasteland" as he calls it.He'd have periods where he'd sit and start and stop his meditation practice, and occasionally read books like Jack Kornfield. What drew him to meditation was, how can he use meditation, so he can better manage his internal states.Was there anything in particular irking him that gave him a "why"?Read more...
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