Choice starts with the acknowledgement that everything you want is within your reach. Choice starts with what. It continues with how. And it survives with why. Deciding what you want, taking the ongoing action to achieve it and understanding why it is important to you. Every single day. Is it always easy? No. Is it always worth it? Yes. What's stopping you? Fear. How can you change it? By choosing to. Simple in theory. Nearly impossible in practice. But that is what life is all about. Choosing to be better. Choosing to open yourself up. Choosing to take risks. Choosing to grow. Choosing to pick yourself up after mistakes. Choosing not to settle for a life that is less than you deserve. I choose to love my life. I choose to surround myself with people who build me up and make me better. I choose to work hard, get uncomfortable, strive to be the best I can and I hope that this episode of the Your Revolution Podcast inspires you to do the same.
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