Dr. William Shaw, the founder of Great Plains Labs, teaches us what chemicals are most toxic, their effects on your health and what you can do to reduce toxin levels in your body.Anyone with a long term gut infection should get a check for oxalates, yeast and chemicals. I provide oxalate testing, chemical profile testing and interpretation with an Organic Acids Test and GPL TOX from Great Plains Lab.If youre having health issues or problems detoxing, ridding your body of oxalates can solve a lot of health problems. You also have to rid your body of oxalates before you have any hopes of getting rid of gut or systemic candida infections.About Dr. William ShawDr. William Shaw is an American chemist, autism researcher and the founder of the Great Plains Laboratory. Dr. Shaw has a bachelors degree in biochemistry from the University of Georgia and a PhD from the Medical University of South Carolina, in biochemistry.After obtaining his PhD, Dr. Shaw spent six years working at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where he was a supervisory research chemist and the chief of the radioimmunoassay laboratory. His laboratory, the Great Plains Laboratory, which he founded in 1996, specializes in metabolic and nutritional testing, particularly as it pertains to autism.
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