Writer (and veteran HWYRT guest) Caleb Daniloff joins Bryan and Peter to talk about his special report in Runner’s World on the science behind how exercise can help battle addiction. Caleb is also on a journey from life-long "mystery meat" eater to vegetarian to full-on vegan. How has his radical change of diet affected his running? And do Bryan and Peter see themselves making a similar change? Plus, the November Project Summit 5.0 comes to Boston. Special Report: The Runner's High http://www.runnersworld.com/special-report/the-runners-high Veggie series 1) Dear diary: my first 14 days a vegetarian http://www.runnersworld.com/veggie-might/dear-diary-my-first-14-days-as-a-vegetarian 2) The quest for veganism continues on vacation http://www.runnersworld.com/veggie-might/the-quest-for-veganism-continues-on-vacation 3) I ran my first 50-miler and turned down aid station bacon http://www.runnersworld.com/veggie-might/i-ran-my-first-50-miler-and-turned-down-aid-station-bacon 4) I went vegan and didn't PR. WTF? http://www.runnersworld.com/veggie-might/i-went-vegan-and-didnt-pr-wtf http://www.calebdaniloff.com/ http://november-project.com
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