Gregoire PARAIN
Finally after many years, the worlds of cinema and video games are meeting together! And it happens in those strange VR head-mounted displays that popped-up in our lives a few years ago.
But are these words really converging through VR? Or are they competing in a race to discover the ultimate content that will make VR a mass media?
Today, VR producers come up with their own tools, expertise, writing style, design and, somehow, their own targeted audience.
Tomorrow, if VR becomes a mass media, the audience will face two primal types of content available on VR platforms: films and experiences/games. What will they choose and why?
In this session Grégoire Parain will give insights on how new technologies might change the range of opportunities for content creators in the years to come. He will also discuss how VR might enable the merging of the worlds of film and games. In addition, he will look at how the audience might perceive and react to new medium.
This talk is not about predictions, but about analysing facts and sharing some thoughts on what the worlds of film and games bring to VR and how the audience perceives this new medium.
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