Mend Thine Every Flaw,
A Sermon for America's Birthday
What makes America great? And what exactly do we need to go back to make it great again? The Reverend Dr. David Keyes finds parallels between the ancient Israelites’ desire to ignore Moses and go back to what they knew, even if that was slavery, and the American citizens whose discomfort with a changing world prompted them to elect Donald Trump president. Having spent most of his professional life serving as an interim minister, Dr. Keyes can speak eloquently to the stresses of change. Come hear what he has to tell us about it.
Rev. Dr. David Keyes, Guest Minister
Lucy Smith, Worship Associate
Lary Chinn, piano
Nanette McGuinness,soprano
Asher Davison, song leader
Galen Workman, ofertory sentence
Jonathan Silk, OOS,Sound and Podcasting
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