So once again you have blown up our inboxes with questions. This time we picked 10 of the most easiest questions to reseaech on wikipedia 5 minutes before the show. Welcome to our 42nd question and answer show. If you have ever asked these questions, then this show is for you: Have you ever wondered if we meet the same souls over and over again with each new life? Do you know what terraforming is.... Tracy from NJ doesn't... Do you believe in reptillians and think that some public figures and celeberties are secretly one? How did mischief night start? What the heck is a HAT MAN? Is there only one? I bet you dont know what a Dobhar-Chu is? How many acended masters are there ans exactly who are they? I bet you wanted to know more about the Hartford witch panic. 5D Consciousness... really? Is there an app for that? Sunlight can kill a vampire in human form... we all know that... DUH!!! But what about when it is in animal form? Are there any real wizard schools like the one in harry potter and do they offer financial aide packages? So if these questions make you go Hmmmm.... yeah this show is for you. If not... this show STILL is for you cause we are just that fun! So come one and come all!! Join us at the table as you munch on some good Halloween candy! See you on the air!!!
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