Tor, Chet, and Jeffrey admire the
pristine beauty of the recording studioIn this episode, Chet and Tor talk with Jeffrey van Gogh from the Tools team. Jeffrey works on R8 and D8. D8 (available in Android Studio 3.0, but off by default) is the replacement for DX, which converts your java byte code to dalvik byte code. R8 (not available yet) is an optimizing compiler, which does the same as D8, but with lots of optimizations along the way. We talk about performance, faster builds, new language features on older releases, kotlin, compiler stuff, and video games.
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D8 Preview article
R8 project on
Jeffrey: @jvgogh
Tor:, @tornorbye
Chet:, @chethaase
Thanks to continued tolerance and support by our audio engineer, Bryan Gordon.