See cote.io/promos (http://cote.io/promos) for a full list of all the deals "mid-roll" stuff currently going on.
Get $50 off DevOpsDays Minneapolis (http://www.devopsdays.org/events/2016-minneapolis/welcome/), July 20th and 21st, with the code SDT2016. I'll be getting some for Chicago and Seattle sometime too.
August 1st to 4th, SpringOne Platform (https://springoneplatform.io/) – I'll be talking on DevOps and generally hanging out with the cloud native folks. You can get $300 off registration when you use the code pivotal-cote-300 (https://2016.event.springoneplatform.io/register).
Show notes
If you like video, see this episodes' video recording (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1EVS6l8R0Y).
Rainbow Chicken vs. Chick-fil-A
The "happy meal" barter system.
The Left needs some fried chicken chain.
Docker now includes SwarmKit, making K8s more contentious
In LinkedIn, well documented exploration of Docker adoption in big firms by LinkedIn profiles (https://medium.com/@mmullany/quantifying-docker-adoption-with-linkedin-fecde64d10a#.v7lumsfyx).
Shows exponential growth vs. Java, Ruby on Rails, visualization terms
Is there product strategy going on in the container space?
Accident-driven intentionality.
Yes, they're building up momentum and then monetization.
SpringOne Platform (https://springoneplatform.io/) - funny name, etc. $300 off registration with code pivotal-cote-300.
ChefCon (https://chefconf.chef.io) - July 11th and 13th in Austin!
Brook & Bob memorial segment, On the Tech Media
Matt Asay piece: The press will believe anything about open source. Not all Sunshine and Lollipops in Open Source Land (http://www.infoworld.com/article/3086264/open-source-tools/the-press-will-believe-anything-about-open-source.html)
What do expect?
What's business model?
Apple & ZFS
More detail than you'd care to want (http://dtrace.org/blogs/ahl/2016/06/15/apple_and_zfs/)
It's like a story of the ups and (mostly) downs of enterprise infrastructure software. Also, the flirtation nature of announcements that keeps eager nerd-beavers on tender-hooks.
BONUS LINKS! Not covered in show
Infrastructure Software is Dead, or, "With friends like these…"
Hard truths from Mirantis (https://www.mirantis.com/blog/infrastructure-software-is-dead/)
"Everybody's OpenStack software is equally bad."
"But none of this matters, because today customers don't care about software. Customers care about outcomes." (Because, you know, they used to not care about outcomes…? Plz. advise.)
Infrastructure Investments by Cloud Service Providers
Charts! Numbers! Cloud! (http://redmonk.com/rstephens/2016/06/16/infrastructure-investments-by-cloud-service-providers/)
I like her By the Numbers (http://redmonk.com/rstephens/category/by-the-numbers/) thing. Coté used to do something like that (http://redmonk.com/cote/category/numbers/) and it was fun to put together.
10 Hour Maintenance Windows on Oracle Cloud?
I seem to remember Google having something similar (http://fortune.com/2016/06/24/oracle-cloud-offline-for-10-hours/)
Operational Best Practices for Serverless
Charity Major's write-up from her talk at the #Serverless conference (https://charity.wtf/2016/05/31/operational-best-practices-serverless/)
If you chose a provider, you do not get to just point your finger at them in the post mortem and say it's their fault. You chose them, it's on you. It's tacky to blame the software or the service, and besides your customers don't give a shit whose "fault" it is.
Checking in on CostCo
Which Visa to get (http://onemileatatime.boardingarea.com/2016/06/21/best-visa-card-costco/)
Brandon: Chaos Monkeys (http://amzn.to/29a7k8e).
Matt: Boston Dynamics robot video & moar falling robots (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf7IEVTDjng)! The Inevitable (http://amzn.to/29xV1kx). Also, the podcast mentioned earlier: "Brian Christian on Algorithms to Live By," (http://longnow.org/seminars/02016/jun/20/algorithms-live/) presented at The Long Now Foundation.
Coté: Hey, as beef sticks go, the Ostrim ones look pretty good (http://amzn.to/297Wz6s). No sugar, mostly? Also, The King Killer Chronicles (http://amzn.to/29a890G).
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