Conscious music producer Long Lastin’, (who produced the theme music for this series) returns for his fourth GV appearance, as we discuss the ongoing agenda to debase and degrade mainstream ’hip’-hop’ output.
While the manipulation of other music genres receives endless scrutiny, what’s being done to contemporary ‘hip-hop’ is rarely, if ever discussed. We get into what others won’t talk about - the blatantly obvious debasement of the sound frequencies in these recordings, and ask what unseen effects these could be having on those who consistently absorb them - particularly when combined with the degraded lyrical content, and the subliminal programming employed by their accompanying videos.
Long Lastin’ gives his views on the sonic structures of four so-called ‘hip-hop’ bangers, included in this recording. Give these a listen if you’re unfamiliar with the output of this genre and consider how they make you feel.
The intro and outro tracks on this podcast are from Long Lastin’s own album, ‘Illumi-Nation’, which offers inspiring truths through vocal samples set to to new, original beats. You can grab it here -
(Ironically for a conversation about sound production, the quality of the Skype line on this was appalling, so apologies for the less-than-perfect audio quality!)
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