What happens when celebrities run afoul of the elite establishment thought police. What the Kanye West treatment tells us about the problem of intolerance in society. We cover the college faculty mindset of conformity of thought.
Also we discuss how the 'Right to Healthcare' movement leads to fewer rights to healthcare. We discuss an article written by Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
Concierge medicine specialists tackle everything from Obamacare to Breaking Bad in this one-of-a-kind podcast. The most listened concierge medicine podcast in America is hosted by Dr. Tommy and Tracy McElroy.
Song of the Week - Satisfaction Guaranteed - The Firm
Dr. Tommy is the founder of Echelon-Health which provides concierge medicine, fitness, and nutrition services to those living in greater Tampa, Florida.
Dr. Tommy TV: https://www.youtube.com/c/askdrtommy
Echelon-Health YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Echelonhealth
Echelon-Health Concierge Medicine: http://echelon-health.com
Dr. Tommy Online: http://askdrtommy.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tampadirectcare
Echelon-Health Facebook: https://facebook.com/tampadirectcare
Dr. Tommy Facebook: https://facebook.com/askdrtommy
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