A Democrat running for the House Seat in the Virginia 10th Congressional District released a video to show how easy it is to buy an “assault rifle” without a background check at a gun show, but was it really that easy? We look at the video and how edited it is. We don't think so. Oh and John got to grill him. Find out how that went.
Also there was a Chinese VA Tech student arrested for using a 30 round mag. Because some weird VA law it is illegal to have a mag that holds more than 20 rounds if you are on a visa. The police watched him for months before arresting him. The thing is that they couldn't find the 30 round mag. There are not pictures or video of him using the mag. All the videos show him using 20 round mag.
In gun releated new the Koreans have a peace treaty. Trump is being credited with bringing both sides together by the Koreans. Will he get the Nobel prize?
The Boy Scouts is dropping the "Boy" since they are allowing girls. Is this good or pandering?
Remember to call in and donate, you cheap bastards!
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