Good Grace: Stories of Thanksgiving and Reconciliation
There is a good chance your Thanksgiving holiday will include some post-election reflection. Along with some side dishes, well come with our stories. In preparation, we will spend this Sunday with the Thanksgiving story, which will serve as our centerpiece, exploring the facts and the fiction, seeing what it can teach us about reconciliation and grace. Our stories have power, they can bring us together or break us apart. As we prepare to gather at the common table, may our stories move us in a direction that leads to healing and hope.
Rev. Alyson Jacks, Associate Minister
Lucy Smith, Worship Associate
Linda Harris, Chair of UUSC at UUSF
Dr. Mark Sumner, Music Director
Reiko Oda Lane, Organ
Jim Valent, Welcome
Jonathan Silk, OOS, Sound, Worship Archives/Podcast
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