As we begin the New Year, our service begins with a baby blessing - dedicating the grandchild of our beloved organist, Reiko Oda Lane. Her name: "Aria." In traditional churches, a theme raised at the New Year is how Jesus was named, brought to the Temple, adored by Magi, and then, as an adult, baptized. But why? John will tell a story about a visit to Israel that suggested an answer. Assistant Minister Rev. JD Benson will join John on the Chancel.
Rev. John Buehrens,Senior Minister
Rev. JD Benson, Assistant Minister
Cindy Pincus, Intern Minister
Reiko Oda Lane, organist
E. McEntire Cowan, mezzo-soprano
Mark Johnson, piano
Kate Offer, song leader
Stephen S, Welcome
Aria Ruby Hikari Reyes, dedicated baby
Nysa Hikari Lane and Martin Reyes, parents of dedicated baby
Jonathan Silk, Sound, Order of Service & Worship Archives/Podcast
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