There is a lot to give thanks for this Sunday after our country's annual
remembrance of the feast celebrated by the Pilgrims and their Native
American guests that first harvest after their arrival. But we should
remember the no thanks that should have gone with it - like the no thanks
for forcing the local tribes off their lands those many years ago and the
no thanks for turning what had become our country's one truly Interfaith
Religious holiday - a time when our congregation used to celebrate with
our Jewish and other neighbors, into a time best remembered for over-
eating and football games. So, along with our thanks, to what should we be
saying no thanks.
The Rev. Dr. David Sammons, Interim Senior Minister
Derek Czajka, Worship Associate
Dr. Mark Sumner, Choir Director
Reiko Oda Lane, Organist & Bell Choir Director
Elena McIntyre, Mezzo Soprano Soloist
Wm. García Ganz, Pianist
Jonathan Silk, Sound, Order of Service & Podcast
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