“Packaging,” let’s talk about it - still your beating heart, dear listeners! We discuss the news, eats, and entertainment from ChefConf and then dip into the news from the OpenStack summit. As we meander between those two we also talk about kubernetes Helm, packaging, and how Docker is (they say) going to save you $50m in computer costs.
This episode brought to you by: Datadog!
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DevOpsDays MINNEAPOLIS - JULY 12-13, 2018
Get a 20% discount for one of the best DevOpsDays on the planet, DevOpsDays Minneapolis (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2018-minneapolis/welcome/). It's July 12th to 13th, and you can bet it'll be worth your time. If you're new to DevOps you'll get an idea of what it is, how it's practices, and how to get started. If you're an old pro, you'll dive down into topics and catch-up with all the other old hands. Code: SDT2018 (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2018-minneapolis/registration/).
If you’re lucky enough to have access, check out Hammond & Rymer’s Jan 2018 report on serverless (https://twitter.com/cote/status/997492961758900224), it’s amazingly good and helpful.
Chef Automate 2.0 (https://thenewstack.io/chef-takes-an-app-centric-approach-with-the-automate-2-0-release/):
Don’t worry, it’s been rewritten in Go.
Scott Carey (https://www.computerworlduk.com/devops/chef-shifts-towards-app-automation-with-20-release-3677749/): “with the release of Chef Automate 2.0 during Chef Conf in Chicago this week, the company is focusing on building a platform on these three pillars: infrastructure, apps and compliance, setting the company up for wherever the future takes it.”
CEO’s keynote summary (https://www.computerworlduk.com/it-leadership/chef-ceo-we-want-be-like-salesforce-3677935/).
On-prem Habitat Builder (https://blog.chef.io/2018/05/23/announcing-habitat-builder-on-premises-and-expanded-ecosystem-integrations/).
Chef Workstation (https://blog.chef.io/2018/05/23/introducing-chef-workstation/).
Matt tells you how suck out some InSpec stuff from Terraform (https://blog.chef.io/2018/05/23/automatically-generating-inspec-controls-from-terraform/).
How CapitalOne uses Chef (https://www.computerworlduk.com/devops/why-capital-one-completely-re-architected-its-chef-stack-on-aws-3677848/):
“[M]ore than 15,000 nodes for dev, QA, and production environments, all hosted on AWS”
They like public cloud (quote from 2017 article): “About 40 percent of our production workload is on AWS now. At 40 percent we are larger than Netflix on the AWS footprint, it's huge. We are not running a hybrid model - our focus is everything on cloud. There are data centre-based applications being transformed, re-written, re-engineered, thrown out, to get to cloud."
Also, WTF is Helm? See: this talk from Amy Chen is really good (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQX5nokoqrQ), and this other one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ1S2Gp47ng).
OpenStack Summit
So, it’s still NFV heavy with existing enterprise deploys? Plus, Mirantis us pushing for a CI/CD focus?
Haven’t read the survey yet.
Brief (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/05/24/networking_roundup_may_24/) Register (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/05/24/networking_roundup_may_24/) coverage (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/05/24/networking_roundup_may_24/): VMwware updates (https://www.zdnet.com/article/vmware-ready-to-release-new-openstack-cloud-program/), AT&T and others donate some code, Solarwinds adds in some more support.
VMware likes NFV (https://www.zdnet.com/article/vmware-ready-to-release-new-openstack-cloud-program/): ‘VMware is targeting the telecom industry with this release. Gabriele Di Piazza, VMware Telco NFV Business Unit's VP of products and solutions, said in a statement, "VMware Integrated OpenStack 5 will enable customers to achieve the massive scale required to power Telco and private clouds globally, and address NFV and edge computing use cases as telecom networks evolve towards 5G."’
Shuttleworth gonna Shuttleworth (https://www.zdnet.com/article/ubuntus-mark-shuttleworth-pulls-no-punches-on-red-hat-and-vmware-in-openstack-cloud/#ftag=RSSbaffb68): “If you want OpenStack and Kubernetes support with vendor independence at a low price, Canonical is your company. If you prefer a partner, which offers a soup-to-nuts stack, but at a higher price, look to Red Hat. And, of course, if you're already wedded to VMware, you've made your choice. There's room for all these approaches to the 21st century cloud and containers.”
Over on TechCrunch, in his layup (https://techcrunch.com/2018/05/24/openstack-in-transition/), Frederic Lardinois paints a picture of the current Story of OpenStack.
“That current state produces fewer flashy headlines, but every survey, both from the Foundation itself and third-party analysts, show that the number of users — and their OpenStack clouds — continues to grow.”
Mirantis, after $200m in funding, refocusing(?) on CI/CD with Spinnaker support, “shrunk from almost 1,000 employees to 450 today, but as Mirantis CEO and co-founder Boris Renski told me, it’s now cash-flow positive.”
Boris: “I think that Spinnaker should become part of the Foundation. That’s the opportunity and I think it should focus 150 percent of their energy on that before it builds its own thing and before [Spinnaker] goes off to the CNCF as yet another project.”
Caroline Donnelly (https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252441808/From-open-clouds-to-open-infrastructure-OpenStacks-evolution-continues) covers the quest to become a more general foundation for infrastructure stuff, started in 2015 with “The Big Tent” positioning.
Side-note: Donnely’s and Lardinois’s articles are good example of doing good tech journalism (I mean, I always like more charts and TAM’s, but they don’t really do that over art Oath - could have also gotten a paragraph of “the kubernetes threat” backed up by usage momentum surveys - but, hey! - pretty good all around.).
Relevant to your interests
Coté’s three methods of dealing with grumpy people (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/05/14/devops_change_barriers/) when you’re digital transforming and DevOps’ing all the things, the The Register.
All these GDPR emails. Oh for fuck’s sake! (Cf. Jon Collins interview (http://www.softwaredefinedinterviews.com/61).)
What does Terraform do again? When is that company going to be acquired?
Can IT finally deliver innovation without busting its own budget? Docker's CEO says yes. (https://diginomica.com/2018/05/22/can-it-finally-deliver-innovation-without-busting-its-own-budget-dockers-ceo-says-yes/)
Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst On How He Plans To Win The Container Market (https://m.crn.com/slide-shows/virtualization/300104051/red-hat-ceo-jim-whitehurst-on-how-he-plans-to-win-the-container-market.htm).
Docker, Inc. still on that cost take-out strategy (https://diginomica.com/2018/05/22/can-it-finally-deliver-innovation-without-busting-its-own-budget-dockers-ceo-says-yes/):
“What we’re seeing at companies like MetLife or Northern Trust is they’re taking their app and infrastructure management cost, and cutting it in half. Let’s say that you can cut 50 million dollars out of your app and infrastructure management cost, which by the way, some of our customers are at. That’s 50 million dollars you can go spend on innovation. That’s not going to the CEO and saying look, I need another hundred million dollars in my budget. That’s freeing up 50-100 million dollars of your existing budget.”
Bro. So the message is “Docker will cut $50m [annually?] out of your IT budget.” $12.5m a quarter in extra cash? That kind of shit could make quarterly numbers. Could that even be real? Bruh.
Salesforce.com, Inc. CRM: MuleSoft, Revisited (https://key2.bluematrix.com/docs/pdf/122991fe-f2db-4104-8156-c4be45f8c003.pdf) - Mule “application integration revenue could quickly scale to $1B+” over next 2 to 3 years.
Google Cloud Platform breaks into leader category in Gartner's Magic Quadrant (https://www.zdnet.com/article/google-cloud-platform-breaks-into-leader-category-in-gartners-magic-quadrant/).
Google reps breath a sigh of relief.
gartner-iaas-mq-april-2018.png https://zdnet1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2018/05/23/42a0e1b3-1500-436c-af05-ba02bec87fd3/resize/770xauto/f09abc28f0cf9395a2e3a6ef5201cfa5/gartner-iaas-mq-april-2018.png
Weekly “get off my lawn” segment, monitoring corner edition
Sensu overvu (https://www.nextplatform.com/2018/05/24/making-sense-of-sensu/).
Flat vs. hierarchical (https://thenewstack.io/dimensional-data-making-the-leap-from-monitoring-to-observing/) - You’ll always end up with a reverse tree, complete with those little plus signs at each leaf to expand what’s under it.
PATROL https://communities.bmc.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-89991-1445/450-337/PatrolCentral.JPG
PATROL Express https://www.sentrysoftware.com/_images/screenshots/pm-hardware-sentry/pm-hardware-sentry-5.png
Important nonsense
Daily Deal: Nope Portable Sound Microphone Blockers 2-Pack (https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20180524/09312539897/daily-deal-nope-portable-sound-microphone-blockers-2-pack.shtml)
Conferences, et. al.
May 29th, 2018 - Coté speaking at DevOps meetup in Seoul (https://www.meetup.com/Seoul-Cloud-Foundry-Meetup/events/250977906/).
May 31st, 2018 - Coté speaking at DevOps Singapore Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/devops-singapore/events/251015285/).
June 1st, 2018 - Coté speaking (https://voxxeddays.com/singapore/program/) at Voxxed Days, Singapore (https://voxxeddays.com/singapore/).
June 28th and 29th, 2018 - Coté at DevOpsDays Amsterdam (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2018-amsterdam/welcome/) - come get a sticker!
Sep 24th to 27th - SpringOne Platform (https://springoneplatform.io/), in DC/Maryland (crabs!) get $200 off registration with the code S1P200_Cote. Also, check out the Spring One Tour - coming to a city near you (https://springonetour.io/)!
SDT news & hype
Check out Software Defined Interviews (http://www.softwaredefinedinterviews.com/), our new podcast. Pretty self-descriptive, plus the #exegesis podcast we’ve been doing, all in one, for free.
Join us in Slack (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/slack).
Buy some t-shirts (https://fsgprints.myshopify.com/collections/software-defined-talk)! DISCOUNT CODE: SDTFSG (20% off)
Send your name and address to stickers@softwaredefinedtalk.com (mailto:stickers@softwaredefinedtalk.com) and we will send you a sticker. If you run into Matt he’ll give you one too!
Brandon: Deadpool 2 (https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/deadpool_2/).
Matt: The Terror (https://www.amc.com/shows/the-terror) AMC mini-series.
Coté: PodCTL podcast (https://blog.openshift.com/tag/podctl/), e.g., episode #35 (https://blog.openshift.com/podctl-35-kubernetes-news-events/); Madam Mam’s Yum Green Bean dish (http://www.madammam.com/diskmenu/salads/); Tasty Meats Paul’s cold open style (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh3mEEAcfDY).
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