* (1:02) FLASH!, an anthology that includes Dan and several booters. You can get a copy on Amazon. * (2:20) Dan was a guest on The Greatest Show. You can see the video here or grab an audio version here. * (3:32) Playing characters that suck at their jobs. * (16:20) Portraying inter-factional politics in a roleplaying game. The Skies of Glass Actual Play. * (18:33) Defining who the factions are and what they want. * (20:31) Setting the constraints of the political game. Rules, reality, or requisites. Silent Memories. * (28:55) Avoiding the politics of pleasing a single person. * (33:57) Outsourcing the factions to other GMs. * (35:08) Revealing the politics to the player-characters. * (37:12) The outsider's perspective. * (45:11) The insider's perspective. * (48:58) Players who need to feel they're making the morally correct choice. Hosts: Chad, Dan, and Wayne
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