Takeaways Executives are Like Everyone Else: Having senior level conversations is no different than conversations with anyone else, they just want you to get to the point a bit quicker. They want to know specifically why what you’re bringing them is important to them and what value it will add. The best way to show this value is to start with the why behind it. Research Matters in the Enterprise: We’ve talked a lot on this show about how much you should research before you start an outbound initiative, but in the enterprise, it’s imperative. You need to know not only the industry challenges but also specifically the business priorities of the individual company you’re trying to get into. If they’re public, read their investor documents and regulatory filings. If they’re private search for any presentations they have online or try to find who their investors are and research their investment thesis to open up the critical components of a conversation. The Only Thing You Can Control is You: While you can’t control every situation you find yourself in, you can absolutely affect the outcome. The only unknown variable is your reaction and/or your response to the situation. If you look around and blame everyone else for your predicament, realize you’re giving up all of your power. Our biggest problem looks at us every day in the mirror and we must stay true to who it is we aspire to be. Full Notes https://www.salestuners.com/jacquelyn-nicholson Book Recommendations The Stand by Stephen King Without Remorse by Tom Clancy Sponsor Costello-What if every sales rep inherited the habits of your best rep? With Costello, they do.