After a meteoric rise to the top of the podcast comedy charts and eight hilarious seasons of IWS Radio...the laughter has turned to tears, the champagne has turned to vinegar, and the fun-loving Jay and Matt have been exposed as nothing more than a couple of low-rent, high-living human compost heaps who have made millions and blew millions off the backs of their once loyal IWS team.
Secret recordings of Jay and Matt discussing their disdain for their staff, their drunken womanizing, their elaborate lifestyles, and the cold, calculating, and cut-throat tactics they have used to silence their critics will be aired. So...
Listen in as Jamie "The Canadian Rat Snake" Mapleleaf and others expose the dumpster fire that IWS Radio truly has been, and continues to be. And along with your phone calls at 661.244.9852, you may find out if this last show of Season 8 will be the last IWS show EVER, as IWS Radio presents: Fear, Loathing, and BETRAYAL At IWS Radio.
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