Hopefully you will have already seen and listened to my SMACC talk on 'What to believe and when to change'. If not then please whizz over to the site now and have a listen. I really enjoyed exploring the uncertainties that exist around when we decide to adopt or abandon therapies.
My belief is that it's really difficult to define the perfect moment and that it's only in retrospect that we can define it.
Since appearing on the ICN network and St.Emlyn's, Scott Weingart, one of the best and most innovative clinicians I know has come back and argued for early adoption. You can check out his rationale on his site and see what you think.
I actually agree with many of the things he tells us, although he has confined himself to one side of the argument. In terms of a defence of early adoption he makes a good case, but like all debates there needs to be another side to the story, so sit back and listen to why we must reflect hard on the decisions we make in deciding what we do, why we do it, and most importantly when.
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