Right now man has decided to follow their truth then make everyone else follow it too. When someone tries to tell you what God is and what It wants comes from ego. When one thinks God has the same thing for everyone of us and it is the same.
Lets go beyond the programmed accepted ideas. Life is not about love. It is not about fame. It is not about fortune. It is not about time. It is not about having children.
You can take them all apart why people give them so much energy. It has nothing to do with why soul came here. All the speakers are telling you lies. Giving you false hope about being here. Telling you are important and making you feel important.
Truth changing everything you believe into what it really is. Two people MAKE love and then produce a child. It allows as well as forces a soul to come into it. The people that talk about fear is dangerouse. Because without people think they can do what ever they want.
Highly involved being do not exist in the lower realms. People thinking older souls are much more intelligent for a person to think that is not even close to truth. Most alien races are much older then the human race. They are still working hard to travel the universe. But you really need to think what the desire that 99% of all beings want. meaning anything on the other side of the fence.
Most speakers give you the false truths they have been programmed with but all the them talk to middle class and the rich people that have the ability to listen. The starving and homeless people which is 90% more people cannot even hear a show never mind see one. They have no news other then what they are forced to do.
The common thread between all species - life forms is called food. Having and not having. Not about the TOYS they play with.
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