Today’s Guest Lilian C. Ezeli is a phenomenal personality, starting from a background in Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Network Security, She has worked as a Data Analyst and today she shares her story with us. Today’s episode is filled with a ton of valuable and actionable content do listen and have fun.
“Breaking my own personal records keeps me motivated whenever I face a challenge”
Notes from Today’s Episode:
Set challenges for yourself, this is one way to push past your limitations
Having people in your circle that can motivate and cheer you on also does a lot for your progress in any field
Creating calendars and schedules can help you in balancing work, relationships and rest
Have plans that are written, don’t use your head as a note pad
Most of the Creative Minds we admire and look up to have documented their experiences and thoughts; we could literary pick their brains and see from their perspective by studying them
Try and understand your learning style; you are unique; find what works for you
Demystifying myths
The Myth that Experts and professionals in tech are super humans is wrong, everyone has their own journeys and they have worked on themselves and are still evolving and growing, so don’t discount yourself, trust your own journey.
Remember to go out and create Awesomeness, I am looking forward to hearing from you, send in your comments via email:, remember to subscribe on iTunes and any other podcasting app you use, just search for thecreativeschronicles on your podcasting app and subscribe, thank You!
Show Notes:
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