* Whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re influenced by a cacophony of spiritual sounds every minute of our lives.
* Just the sheer diversity and attractiveness of these sounds makes it nearly impossible to focus on what’s right.
* Further complicating the situation: Satan is highly motivated and extremely adept at drowning out these loud, colorful, enticing signals with his own counterfeit subtle signals.
* Naturally, it’s difficult for us to make heads or tails out of what is right and what is wrong.
* Some of the best and brightest among us have been led away by these sounds in hopes of better spiritual or temporal statuses for themselves.
Because of all the abundant evidence that the Savior of the World saw the need to just (literally and figuratively) get away from it all, meditate and pray, what about you?
If we are so anxious to enjoy communion with God -- to pass through the most secret, most sacred doors into His presence -- then why are we emphasizing busy-ness, and not meditation (as not one, but two, latter-day church presidents have asked us to do)?
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