It's ludicrous for you to think you can make it to the same degree of heaven (or exaltation) as those who made such sacrifices, when you yourself would not.
So here's my personal invitation to you: What's your sacrifice? What is the Lord requiring you to do that may likely be very uncomfortable, even dangerous?
I invite you to ask the Lord. If you're feeling your spirituality stalling, then there's nothing that'll un-stall it faster than asking God to help turn you away from the telestial straight to the celestial.
I also invite you to join me in consecrating your heart, mind and body. Put your hand on your heart, put one foot in front of the other, and step onto what appears to be thin air.
Sometimes it's tough deciding to stand where the Lord wants you. He'll invite you to take that multi-hour trip and turn your back on what many would consider a pretty good thing.
But when you take Him up on that offer...when you stand exactly where He wants you, when you seek that totality, and spend even just a couple of minutes in it...
You'll be amazed at how far the Lord will lift you and how much He will show you. And in the process, your life will never, ever be the same.
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