Fats takes the least amount of energy for your body to digest and absorb as energy and you need to be aware of the fact if you want to lose weight effectively and stay leaner.
You want eat your fats as a part of a whole package in order to lose weight effectively on a high fat diet, that will make your digestive system work harder, breaking down high fat foods to get the fat out of the food, unprocessed whole fats usually come in foods along with proteins, like our eggs, fish or meats, or with slow carbohydrates and fiber, like nuts and seeds, avocadoes, olives – those fats you want to eat to lose weight.
I wouldn’t recommend at all, if your goal is maximum weight loss or maximum leanness to eat lots of “processed and refined” fats, even if they are of the best quality like extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed cream, cheese, ghee butter, cacao butter, avocado oil, all kinds of nut creamers – etc., any kind of oil, that does not come as a part of a whole food, id recommend to avoid them to lose weight.
Fats in whole foods will help you to maintain hormonal health, high energy levels and will help you to lose weight effectively combined with low carbohydrate content of your diet.
Questions? Want me to talk about your confusions?
SHOOT ME AN EMAIL: Angela@CreateYourself.Today
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