The question I've been asked in different ways quite a few times this week.
Short answer is NO.
You got into trouble, putting on weight, getting unfit and unhealthy by doing "the old ways"
Ever heard of Yo-Yo dieting?
Going on a diet, losing weight, going back to the "old ways", getting all the weight and other problems back?
All the diet work! While you are actually doing them. Of course some are healthier and easier to stick to than others but they all work. When you work.
You can never go back to your "old ways". Health and fitness, lean body, all of it is not a destination, it's a lifestyle change. If you want to stay lean, fit and healthy for life.
There is a difference between weight loss phase and maintenance phase.
There is a difference between getting fitter and healthier and maintaining a certain level of health and fitness.
Getting there is usually more challenging for most people than staying there, when it comes to efforts and time you got to invest into your goals.
But then again, most people fail maintaining the results.
And I believe it's because of one reason, those of us who fail to maintain the results just never designed a proper maintenance program simple to stick with.
Questions? Want me to talk about your confusions?
SHOOT ME AN EMAIL: Angela@CreateYourself.Today
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