Julie, Jeff, and Mike discuss the SyFy series "The Expanse." Two hundred years in the future, in a fully colonized Solar System, police detective Josephus Miller, born in the asteroid belt, is given the assignment to find a missing young woman, Julie Mao. Meanwhile, James Holden, the first officer of an ice freighter, is witness to an unprovoked attack upon the ship, by attack craft believed to be from Mars (MCRN Federation). As news of the attack spreads throughout the System, the incident's flow-on threatens to destabilize already tenuous relations between Earth, Mars and The Belt. Far away from the struggles in deep space, on Earth, Chrisjen Avasarala, a powerful United Nations executive & diplomat, works to prevent war between Earth and Mars by any means at her disposal. Soon, the three find out that the missing woman and the ice freighter's fate are part of a vast covert conspiracy that threatens all humanity. - Written by nano_tech imdb.com
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