[At the end of this episode, there is some important news about the future of Box Not Included.]
We are finally back in the room together and we have a lot to catch up and geek out about! From She-Ra and Doctor Who, to The Lion King and Detective Pikachu trailers, pop culture hasn't taken any time off and neither have we.
Today's show is sponsored by Beastly Beverages, fandom and fantasy luxury hand-blended loose-leaf teas and coffees! Find out more at beastlybeverages.com and use the sponsor code "problematic" to get 10% off your order!
We are also sponsored by Dungeons and Queers is an all-trans, all-queer, actual play DnD 5th edition podcast that can be found on iTunes or Google Play or most other podcasting apps.
We are also sponsored by PolyAM Radio! It's a show all about relationships, love, and polyamory. It's about trans Queers and our experiences and analyzing our mistakes and telling you how not to make them. Available on iTunes and most other platforms.
Our audio and theme music provided by Graham Waller at grahamwaller.com. Graham is also part of GlitterWolf, whose debut album Spectrum is out now!
If you want to get in contact, you can do so via Twitter @BoxNotIncluded, Email at BoxNotIncluded@gmail.com or on Tumblr @BoxNotIncluded. We also have a Facebook Group - just search for Box Not Included!
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