Brittney Castro is a Certified Financial Planner and she’s here to help us answer your money questions - AND spend a good bit of time talking about the finances of running a business. Brittney is the founder of Financially Wise Women, as I mentioned, and it’s something that she really built from the ground up in her 20’s. I know that for a lot of us listening, it’s important to us - especially as we look at the new year -to reassess our careers, maybe make that transition to starting a business or growing our existing business, I thought this would be a good time of year to give you some tips. Brittney is a fellow Chase ambassador and she’s here on behalf of Chase Ink to share some insights into running that business successfully, and how to find the right mentors for growing your business. It’s important to find the right financial mentors and sponsors to help make the financial aspects of your business simpler. Also, how to manage the money in your business and in your personal life at the same time. This is a hot question, right? How do I create boundaries, how do I create systems, how do I not dip into my personal savings to fund my venture?
Of course, we also have your So Money questions, questions like how to afford supporting adult children? Yeah, it’s really hard to afford children like babies, childcare, it adds up and it’s really a lot for new parents but then, you know, the kids grow up and you find yourself still footing the bill even though they’re in their 20’s for things like school and graduate school. So we’re going to help a parent out on that end. Also, how to retool your savings after paying down student loans? So if you’re somebody who is near the end of paying off student loans and you’re looking forward to it because you’re going to have better cash flow, what do you do with that cash flow now? How do you kind of reinvest that money and also, leveraging social media to promote your brand and your business.
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