How is speaking in tongues inferior to prophesy (proclamation of God's word) for the building up of the church?
I. Paul Emphasized the Power of Preaching (1-5)
II. Paul Explained the Problems with Speaking in Tongues (6-14) - tongues, without accurate interpretation are...
A. Unprofitable for the Church (v.6)
B. Confusing for the Church (v.7-8)
C. Pointless for the Church (v.9)
D. Divisive for the Church (v.10-11)
E. Distracting for the Church (v.12)
F. Unproductive for the Church (v.13-14)
III. Paul Elevated the Priority of Prophesy above Tongues (14:15-19)
A. Private Worship and Public Worship are both essential to Christian maturity (v.15)
B. Understanding and agreement are essential for unity in the church (v.16)
C. Building others up is better than appearing to be religious all by yourself (v.17)
D. 5 words of simple gospel clarity is better than 10,000 words in a tongue no one can understand (v.18-19)
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