IV. The LORD’s Second Response is of Grace and Judgment (2:2-20)
A. God gives us 3 Descriptions of Divine Revelation [Prophecy/vision] (v.2-3) – what we learn from God’s vision to Habakkuk is applicable to every word of Scripture:
1. God’s Revelation is IMPORTANT (v.2) – God has spoken and He did not mumble. He speaks with clarity and forthrightness!”
2. God’s Revelation is TRUE (v.3a) – “For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.”
3. God’s Revelation is TRUSTWORTHY (v.3b) – “Though it tarries (“if it seems slow” ESV), wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry (delay).” Another reason for the “reader” to “run” was because of the certainty of the message.
B. Two Responses at God’s Revelation (v.4-5) – the Proud vs. the Humble (Wicked vs. Righteous) the “two ways” of Psalm 1:
1. The Proud (the “puffed up” person/nation) lives according to his opinion – this person wastes his/her life pursuing only the lustful desires of the heart.
2. The Humble/Just (person) lives by His faith – this justified person invests his/her life in faithfulness to God, dependent upon God, because of God’s GRACE bestowed upon them…
a) Paul quotes this text in Romans 1:17 (emphasis on the just)
b) Paul in Galatians 3:11 (emphasis is on shall live)
c) The writer of Hebrews in Hebrews 10:38 (by faith)
d) Luther responds in faith to this and the result is the Reformation! “Here I Stand” Bainton (pp.49-50)
C. Five Pronouncements of Judgment against Babylon (and nations like Babylon) (vv.4-13, 15-19) – God promised to punish Babylon after He used them to punish Judah. These “woes” would come from the mouths of survivors and Babylon becomes an object-lesson as an archetype for all other nations:
1. Woe for plundering other nations (2:6-8) – they were notorious for the wholesale destruction of humanity and the environment wherever they went. Enslaving the poor through outrageous interest rates “many pledges.”
2. Woe for greed (2:9-11) – consumed by selfishness. This is a culture that never has enough – a paradise for marketing! The punishment fits the crime (“If these walls could speak”).
3. Woe for violence (2:12-14) – a civilization built upon the destruction of other civilizations. “Bloodshed” and “iniquity” characterize their violent advances.
4. Woe for immorality and debauchery (2:15-17) – drunkenness that led to being incapacitated, disarmed, disrobed, vulnerable and exploited.
5. Woe for idolatry (2:18-19) – idols are unable to teach man anything therefore they are wholly unworthy of man’s trust! D. Three Promises from the Sovereign Creator God (v. 4, 14, 20) – here is what we can be assured of…
1. The just shall live by his faith (v.4) - the proud person will be cut off in a moment and be separated for all eternity from God. The person who has been justified by faith will live in righteousness and never be separated from God. This faith-filled and faithful individual will be fully expressed in Habakkuk 3.
2. The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. (v.14) – just as God’s glory filled the tabernacle in the wilderness, and just as God’s glory filled Solomon’s temple, likewise the knowledge of the glory of the LORD will fill the whole earth!
3. The LORD is in His holy temple (v.20) – Psalm 46 “Be still and know that I am God.” Idols are created, dead and impotent.
a) The LORD lives, reigns, and rules over all people and places with all authority! He is worthy of our trust, praise, worship b) If we look at ourselves, if we focus upon our own situation and circumstances we may be discouraged and tempted to quit.
c) Isaiah 6 – God is still on His throne!
(1) Seeing the Living God in His exalted position will inevitably leave us in silence! We have no reason to complain about His ways and no reason to doubt His goodness.
(2) Seeing God in His glory will inevitably lead worshipers to service that is sacrificial and willing to take risks for God’s glory. This is the only right and loving response by a person of saving faith in Christ Jesus.
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