Science funding has a series of built in incentive structures, but what sort of science does this produce?
Some of the topics discussed:
Feedback from our 'Public health and Pokemon' episode (#22)
Incentive structures in science
What we should be doing in science compared to what we are doing
Quantity vs. Quality
The analysis of Trump's tweets for negativity vs. positivity
How much detail do you need to go into when it comes to pre-registering an analysis
APS journal badges - they're working!
Data sharing makes you more careful with your data
Solutions to the incentive problem have to come from the policy level
The grant funding lottery system proposal
The PhD oversupply
Gaming the system
James wants to mandate science communication
Dan wants to include replication studies in PhD programs
Scientist names that suit their research area
The article on incentive structures
The Allen brain atlas
Analysis of Trump's tweets
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