Why do we constantly see those who have taken upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ judging and condemning others? Where do we read in the scriptures that we're justified, that it's OK, to spread rumors and speak ill of others behind their backs?
If Jesus didn't judge and condemn others, why do we -- who are all prodigal sons and daughters -- unilaterally assume a judgmental status superior to that of Jesus?
Do we not realize that when we do so, we destroy *our* spirituality and further the distance from Christ possibly far more than the person being spoken of? We sift ourselves right out of the gospel and a possible future among those who *are* merciful and kind to others.
"Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things." (Romans 2:1)
Evil speaking injures the reviler more than the reviled. Those who assassinate characters, reputations and more -- even if the facts are true -- are ranked among the uncharitable, for “In being just, one will not condemn, find fault, or gossip, as there is no salvation in being critical of another.” (Elder Franklin D. Richards, “Justice, Mercy, and Humility,” April 1970 General Conference).
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