**PSA BEFORE YOU EVEN LISTEN TO THIS SHIT: the audio is weird on this one - we ALREADY KNOW! plz don't leave us some weird ass comment about the audio. ALSO IF YOU KNOW SHIT ABOUT AUDIO SOFTWARE AND KNOW OF A GOOD ONE FOR US TO HAVE OUR GUESTS ON THEIR OWN TRACKS WITHOUT THEM ACTUALLY HAVING ANY SOFTWARE PLZ EMAIL US!!! Allison's intro was cut off and we know about the breathing and clicking -- there was no way to avoid it, WE PROMISE YOU THE CONTENT IS PERFECTION SO DEAL WITH IT ;) :* ***
Alright y'all here WE GO! This week we're talkin' with two cyber security EXPERTS! AKA Allison and Janus. They are rad as fuck and make learning about all this scary stuff ACTUALLY fun AND funny!
The right (and men in general, sry not sry) has ruined the internet!! there's a bunch of stuff you can do to protect yourself. I know I AM TERRIFIED to google myself rn because I do not even WANT to know what's going on, but I'm going to try to motivate myself after this conversation!
Here's some rad AF resources!:
ssd.eff.org -> surveillance self-defense from eff, great starting point with easy to follow info and screenshots for anyone who wants to protect their privacy online
https://hackblossom.org/domestic-violence/ -> hackblossom's diy
cybersecurity for domestic violence guide. even though this is about
domestic violence survivors, the advice here is pretty broadly
applicable especially for people who are under threat of doxing
-> vice guide on what to do if you're being harassed online
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