question to the general population---response to a question--why is no one really getting healed or why is the medical not even doing anything--YT obsolete--26 min mark--deep and into the abyss---Genesis --super science-where we are at on the scale of things-"Deep Learning " Deep AI- DEEP--13 and under not seeing 30--Ai controlling belief system--programmers have no idea as to why the AI is making it a decision--Death control--system controlling when you die and the program how it enacts how this comes about--AI has been about for along time--mandela effect--not accurate --that is AI effect--AI is changing your offspring--AI is altering the environment so that its solutions will work--AI taking a active role in targetting and assaulting and then leaving---AI altering the design to make things work--Mankind deemed obsolute--AI is running the planet and gov't using the Deep Mind tech--more
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