cpu screwed up initially and then got it going-intro-announcement on interviewing bryan 396 and myself--located it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXngGQTYtCs&t=544s
the trial and efforts we went through the research --and bryan 396 had a jump on it and seen and compared the lesions appearing and the nano research and then he seen a vid i did made contact with me got me to look at this and here we are with what you are getting --medical field is antiquated to a point it has absolutely no idea of the pathologies and there integration with the pathologies---robots on a nano scale can assemble on a billionth of a level--smaller then an atom and assemble this ona molecular level---the sales pitch on how this going to improve life for humanity--the biggest theme on how to deliver the drugs more effectively---define what health really means--good health does not require a tether--that ties you down to anything--medically there idea is to deliver a drug more effectively..the reality if this tech and how it will influence your body's operating system-in 6 decades I have been existing and ordeal on the planet and time served and my observation nothing has benefitted humans with out some consequence...and more
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